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At Bevott, we’re not just manufacturing glass bottles, we’re shaping the future!

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The production process of glass bottles comprises several stages, with the specific technique chosen based on the type of glass needed. Despite its apparent straightforwardness, this process necessitates various technologies to guarantee the quality of the glass. Key phases include raw material preparation, melting, shaping, cooling, and inspection. Glass is subjected to high temperatures to melt it, molded using molds, and inspected post-cooling to ensure quality standards are met.


Selecting raw materials

Glass bottles are usually made from 7 to 12 different materials. The main materials used in the manufacturing process of glass bottles are silica sand, sodium carbonate, limestone, dolomite, feldspar, borax and barium.

The most important raw material is silica, as it determines the strength of the glass. The amount of silica can be chosen according to the type of glass to be made. The silica content is important because the melting point of the glass is inversely proportional to its melting point.


Batch Materials Preparation

The manufacture of glass is a continuous process, so the dosing process will also occur continuously. Here the raw materials will be weighed and mixed and then transferred to the hopper of the melting furnace.

Initially, the raw materials are fed into the hopper where they are mixed and then transferred to the furnace. Sometimes, the conveyor consists of magnets which remove the magnetic material. Once the raw material is well mixed, it is then fed continuously into the furnace using a batch process so that the material composition is the same for all processes.



When the melting furnace temperature reaches 1600°C, the ingredients will turn into molten liquid glass. The melting is controlled by an automated system to maximize fuel efficiency and save energy



The next process is the feeding process, in which the glass blower will be fed. The feeding of the glass drops should be done at the optimum temperature. The temperature is chosen according to the weight and shape of the bottle. The glass is then fed through the feeder into the glass bottle forming machine.

There will be an opening at the end of the feeder, which is controlled by a low shear panel. The speed of the clear mass can be controlled, if you need a large size glass then the clear speed should be smaller.


Forming Shapes and Molding

The molten material blocks are transferred to the molding machine. Two methods are introduced: press-blow or blow-blow. The preformed bottles are turned over from the bank mold into the final mold to create the desired glass container.



Once the glass is removed from the glass forming machine, the next step is annealing. The annealing process is necessary because it removes stress, phase separation or crystallization from within the glass. During this stage, the structural state of the glass will change.

The stresses are mainly caused by the outer surface of the glass cooling more rapidly than the inner side. The annealing process will help to cool the inside and outside of the glass evenly to avoid any stresses in the glass. This will also help to prevent glass breakage and make the bottle stronger.



Inspection is the most important step, as it will help to identify the quality of the glass and retain the high-end glass bottles. Only glass bottles that pass the inspection will be taken to the next level, other bottles that do not pass the inspection will be taken to the glass manufacturing process, called broken glass.

Inspections are performed at different levels and in some cases both manual and automatic inspections will be performed to ensure a high quality product is provided to the customer. During the inspection process, size, shape and defects will be checked. The most common defects are cracks, pinholes, contamination and air trapped inside the bottle.


Packaging and Shipping

Once the glass bottles have passed quality inspection, they are properly packaged in the warehouse. These stocked glass bottles will be customized with surface decoration or shipped directly to the customer upon request.

Depending on the customer’s requirements, the bottles will be packaged accordingly. The glass bottles will be wrapped in a cardboard box which will contain multiple sections separated by corrugated sheets. In most cases, the packaging will be an automatic process, so any type of damage can be avoided.

The manufacturing process of glass bottles involves three additional methods including:Applique,Frosting,Glass Spraying.

Appliqué is a process used to create a fine pattern in the glass design that will also provide an attractive finish and greater durability. Once the design is complete, the glass will undergo a drying and firing process.

Frosting will produce a high quality glass. Frosting can be accomplished by sandblasting or etching. Frosting can be done with any type of glass, you need to be careful when using acid.

If you plan to glaze the glass, then glazing is an effective process because it applies the glaze evenly and the glaze will dry quickly.

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